Vie et oeuvre de cheikh ahmadou bamba pdf

Cahiers detudes africaines, 198199200 2010 openedition. Cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke1 muhammad ibn muhammad ibn habibullaah his full name carried the name of his fathers master. Son pere lavait confie a serigne mbacke ndoumbe puis a mouhammadou bousso, aupres desquels il put apprendre lensemble du coran et certaines sciences religieuses theologie, mystique. The exile of sheikh ahmadou bamba khadimou rassoull duration. Sheikh ahmadou bamba lived from 1853 to 1927 while senegal was under french colonial rule. Les marabouts et leurs petits fils sont les seules gagnants dans lislam du senegal. Shaykh ahmadou bambas life and teachings are exemplary for the modern and the islamic world in particular in need of guidance to find a way out of a spiraling destruction due to violence and rigid literal religious interpretations of sacred texts by those who have lost access to the keys of the texts inner wisdom. Elle mettait tout en oeuvre pour arreter ses progres, voire le faire reculer, en sappuyant sur ceux qui, naguere, etaient violemment refractaires a son. Citations spirituelles et philosophiques du cheikh ahmadou. Pdf le soufisme et cheikh ahmadou bamba abdou seye.

Sa grande concession par extension est devenu le quartier qui a diourbel porte son nom. Ahmadou bamba mbacke also known as khadimu alrasul or the servant of the. Du premier khalife serigne moustapha mbacke a lactuel khalife. Cheikh ahmadou bamba, borom touba, serigne touba, khadimou rassoul, khadimal moustapha, bamba, abdoulahi wa khadimou rassoul, borom djouma ji, borom barak bi, etc. En effet il a toujours eprouve tres peu dinteret a legard des choses materielles. The life of sheikh ahmadou bamba is a testimony of his commitment to the revival of authentic islam, the religion of peace and his only ideal was to serve humanity by giving teachings in accordance with the prophetic model. Debut des hostilites avec les colons mars 1889source. The mouride order compiled by saliou mbacke historical notes mouridism or almouridiya in arabic is an islamic sufi doctrine established in senegal west africa in 18821883 by cheikh ahmadou bamba mbacke. L pour transcender le tumulte des mutations et des peripeties du monde. Cheikh ahmadou bamba founded the mouride brotherhood in 1883, with its capital is touba, senegal.

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